Are you there God? It’s me, Tracey?

Are you there God? It’s me, Tracey?

by Guest Blogger: Tracey Treat I thought I did everything right. I exercise, eat healthy, and do my very best to live a stress-free life. I’m on top of my health screenings, including a mammogram every year.  So, I repeatedly ask myself, how at 51 years old do I...
Life in Maintenance by Jodi Reich

Life in Maintenance by Jodi Reich

I guess I should start by pointing out that I have never written a blog post before, and that my husband and I are generally not sharers. For example, I went an entire year at a job without my supervisor knowing that I had a daughter, and not because I was hiding her...
Metastatic Parenting by Emily Garnett

Metastatic Parenting by Emily Garnett

When I was first diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, I didn’t know where to turn. I was 32 years old, and my son had just turned two. We lived in a new town, knew no one, and felt unbelievably overwhelmed. Parenting a toddler is difficult under the best of...
My Story: Morgan Perry

My Story: Morgan Perry

Morgan’s older sister, Kayla, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma following her high school graduation. Morgan shares her experience with cancer and what it has been like to watch her sister endure cancer treatment. The pediatric cancer journey has been...
Let It Out by Ryan O’Rourke

Let It Out by Ryan O’Rourke

I think the worst thing you can do after you find out your parent has cancer is hold back the tears and keep your feelings locked up inside of you. You have to let it out. For me I didn’t feel comfortable going to my Mom because I was scared of making her feel...