Cancer has taught me many things.
Learning how to accept and ask for help was something that I was not accustomed to.
In addition to being a bit of a control freak, I considered asking for help a sign of weakness.
I knew I was capable of handling it all; until I got sick. I was astonished how many people came forth to offer their support. Dinners were delivered to my door for months; my kids were driven to and from practices and I even had a friend come over to cover all of my 5th grader’s books. The outpour of generosity amazed me and I was so grateful for the help. It allowed me the time to physically and mentally become stronger. I laid in bed many afternoons listening to the sounds of life going on downstairs. It made me sad to not be a part of the everyday but realized that they could survive despite my absence. They were capable; I didn’t need to do it all.
There is a humility that comes with having cancer. Life is never the same. You realize that you are not invincible and there are no guarantees. Admitting that you need help is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength.
As my health improves I have unfortunately witnessed many friends stricken by similar diagnoses. Giving back and offering support have become an important part of my healing process.
I know what a relief it is to let go and have someone else step in. To find time for yourself and your healing process. Cancer doesn’t just affect a person. It affects everyone in their family and their community. You don’t need to face cancer alone.