Get Over Yourself by Molly McArdle

Get Over Yourself by Molly McArdle

Get Over Yourself Bear with me, for I am about to make myself extremely vulnerable to this place we refer to as “the internet”. As I have mentioned in previous blog posts, I suppressed the entirety of my thoughts and emotions for a long time during my experience with...
When My Mom had Cancer by Ryan O’Rourke

When My Mom had Cancer by Ryan O’Rourke

When I first found out my Mom had cancer, my world came crashing down. My mom…my best friend. I had never thought of her not being there. I only let myself think of the worst – which resulted in becoming utterly depressed. It was as if cancer had dragged me into...
Molly McArdle : Let’s Hear it for the Moms

Molly McArdle : Let’s Hear it for the Moms

Some coin Mother’s Day as a “Hallmark Holiday” some believe that everyday should be Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is important and our Moms deserve to be celebrated. Moms are pretty badass people if you ask me. I mean, putting up a mean fight against cancer? Badass. Moms...
My Story: Ryan O’Rourke

My Story: Ryan O’Rourke

My mom was diagnosed last summer. Right before my sophomore year of high school, my soccer preseason, my sweet sixteen, and everything that once seemed so incredibly important… When I found out, I went into shock, not able to process what had happened. I would go into...